Video Strategy2020-10-16T08:42:34+00:00

Video marketing is red hot right now and will be for the next several years. It’s time to jump on the train and go all in.


Video Strategy

You need to ensure that your finished videos resonate with your audience, it speaks, inspires, entertains, and educate your viewers. To do this a solid plan, a strategy must be defined. Here’s a brief explanation of how to build a fully-functional, actionable, goal-driven video strategy in three steps:

Video Marketing Strategy 

Content Strategy

Video Campaign Strategy

Define your business
If you have an existing business I' m sure you have set up your vision and goals, but if you are a start-up you should first define your business. Have a clear picture of why you are in this business, what and how you do what you do, why does your company make the world a better place. What problem it is solving and what is your solution.
Position your brand
What makes you different? Who are your competitors, and what is your unique proposition? Why do you do what you do? What is your position statement?
What is your business personality?
What is your voice or style, what words to use? Are you casual? Professional or maybe modern? And how will that come across?
Who is your audience? What is the broadest and narrowest circle or prospective customers? Go beyond age and sex and describe demographics and psychographics. Explain how the audience currently thinks, feels, and behaves regarding your product category. What pain points are they experience?

Plan your video content strategy
Before launching any video marketing campaign, it’s crucial to determine your primary video goal.  What your audience should take away from your videos. What does it help your audience do? This could be to increase brand awareness, engagement, or even conversions for a free trial.
Is your audience unfamiliar with a product, on the fence about a product, or ready to act? With each new campaign, it's essential to know where your target audience is in their journey and their intent.
What type of content you’ll make: Educational videos? Entertaining? Humorous? Fear? Something more aggressive? Practical? A mix? Analyze your brand's proposition and at what tone your customer resonates and you should find the right one.
Decide the structure of the video content
We recommend the 'Hero, Hub, Hygiene' model that was devised by Google for YouTube publishers. It's designed to help publishers and marketers ensure that they can fill the gaps in their content and to plan their future content strategy. 

The questions here are "How you will reach your audience?" What you have to do to make sure your audience find you? The answer is "Go where they're going". A well-developed campaign strategy not only focus on video content, but also the execution in the right places at the right times. To do so a customer's persona must be defined. In addition, use segmentation to help understand and target the audience. This means that you can divide a market of potential customers into groups or segments based on different characteristics such as their demographic, gender, socio-economic status, etc. This common practice of creating customer personas, allows companies to better understand these homogeneous groups. By doing this, companies build a much more detailed picture of the (hypothetical) customer. Information like, personal motivations, what they value in a brand, how they interact and make decisions, as well as their preferred communication channel are very valuable. Also are they on Facebook, or Snap-chat or maybe on YouTube?
We can help with common-sense advice and a clear, realistic strategy for social media effort.

Get An Amazing Animation Video To Tell Your Story.

You don’t have to go for Hollywood-level production values in a marketing video.

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